Avanzare: Pioneering Sustainable Flame-Retardant Materials

Avanzare: Pioneering Sustainable Flame-Retardant Material

As part of the THERMOFIRE project, Avanzare has focused on developing innovative flameretardant additives for bio-based materials targeting the textile, automotive, and aviation industries. This aligns with the project’s mission to reduce reliance on petroleum-based resources and enhance sustainability.

Avanzare’s research emphasizes bio-based polymers like polyamide 11 (PA11), derived from castor oil, and natural fibers such as hemp, jute, and flax. These materials are known for their durability, strength, and low environmental impact. However, achieving effective flame retardancy without compromising their mechanical and thermal properties poses a significant challenge.

Innovative Approach:

Avanzare has developed novel formulations combining graphene and bio-based additives derived from wood and other natural sources. These formulations create a physical barrier and char layer under fire conditions, effectively preventing oxygen diffusion while enhancing material strength.

Highlights of Recent Progress:

  • Hemp Fibers: New flame retardants have been successfully integrated into celluloserich hemp fibers using spraying methods by jute fibers.
  • PA11 Matrices: Incorporating flame-retardant additives into PA11 has preserved its mechanical performance while significantly improving fire resistance.
  • Functionalized Natural Fibers: Flax and cellulose fibers have been treated using immersion techniques, with promising results in both flame retardancy and mechanical stability.

Next Steps:

Further studies are underway to optimize the rheological properties of these formulations, ensuring ease of processing for industrial applications. Avanzare’s work represents a critical step toward THERMOFIRE’s overarching goal of creating high-performance, bio-based materials that are both recyclable and sustainable.


Publication date: 02/11/2025

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